Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Still behind.........

Soooooooooooooooo any way!!!!  You know how on last monday for the Link up Monday I claimed I was back to normal and ready to get my mystery quilt back on track.  It so didn't happen.  LIFE did however!  I'm ok with being behind I have a lot going on right now and I didn't expect to keep up.  Plus this is my first mystery quilt and I am just getting back to quilting after years of not.  So with that being said my status hasn't changed.  I am still working on the half square triangle.  I think that was step number 3.  I have printed everything and being behind does have it advantages.  I can read what everyone else has done and how they did it and learn from that.   If I understand next week is the last step but I could be wrong.

I am so thankful for Bonnie having this free Mystery quilt for us.  Its timing is perfect for me.  During the winter months I freeze and I fight the bla's bad.  So this has helped me a lot.  I do spend what free time I get either working one the quilt or watching her videos, or looking at her tips, or patterns she has online.  Trying to decide what I want to do next.

Its not too late to do her mystery quilt, if you are interested the directions are HERE!

Now on a lighter note:  I did order Bonnie's Book  "Adventures with Leaders & Enders"  I am already planning what will be my first quilt out of it.  But first to get this one done.

My first signed book ever!!

Ok got to get busy my sister and daughter are coming over tonight to ring in the new year with me getting scrappy!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Handmade with Love

I love home made gifts!!!  Not just to receive but to give.  The time and energy that someone puts into them says I love and care enough about you to make this for you!

My sister, Teresa, gave me a years worth of love with this gift she made me.  I LOVE IT!  She made me a table runner for my kitchen for every holiday of the year.  It's a little early for this one but how could I not put it out already!

Here is a quick peek at the rest of them!

I was hoping to post pictures today of the quilts I'd made this year as gifts today but I am running out of time.  I played around to long on my computer deleting internet explorer I am finding that I like Google Chrome better and the two were clashing.

Ok I better roll got to be at work soon!!  

Have a Crafty day!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas ROCKED!!!

First of all I got a super awesome gift from my son in law and daughter this year.  Me and my sissy get to go to see "I Love Lucy" play in Feb.  I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!  Then my sissy got me some super fun new tools for scrapbooking with I'd never seen these before so I can't wait to have the time to play with them.  Which if everything goes as planned it will be this next tues. at our yearly scrapbook party while we welcome in the new year!!!    Oh back to my new toys :) 

and it didn't stop there OH NO it didn't!!  She also got me this........... A distrezz it all for when I want to distress. I've watched a great video on "you tube" on this one and LOVE IT!!  If you'd like to watch it you can go here 
My sweety hubby got me a new phone I've been wanting every since my sissy had gotten one.  I'd had phone envy every since she'd got hers and I saw the great photo's it took and the larger screen to see and post on.  The Samsung galaxy s4.  Oh yes I know most people look for phone with great call features but I use mine for just about everything else but calling.  Oh I will use it as a phone when I have to but me I'm a texter and love that it takes great photos.
Oh and I can't forget what my sweet purr babies got me......... a cute necklace of a black kitty that is adorable.  Thanks honey for shopping for the girls.
I was going to post at last the quilts I had made for gifts this year now that I can.  But I just realized how long this post was heading and think I'll save that for the next post.  :)
I am still working on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt.  I'm behind but I'm ok with that I'll get there.  The lastest clue came out today.  I'm on clue 3 right now.  I think I'll finish it up before moving on.  I still need to go back and finish clue 2   Well ok I'll tell ya so far I have clue 1 done.  YEP that's it.  but I do have clue 2 cut out and started and clue 3 I am working on now.  I got this! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Getting Back Track

With this being the holiday crunch time week I didn't get a whole lot done this week on Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt.  I was able to squeeze in a lil bit though.  I did a few of step 3's half square triangle and I enjoyed making them.  I can't wait till I can find the time to make the rest.  I am very behind but I'm ok with that.  I will get it all done when I get it all done.  I am so loving doing this I've not enjoyed sewing as much as I have this winter so far this year.  I'm looking forward to getting caught up and starting the next one.  I am already printing up a pattern for a project I want to work on next... and picking out the fabrics.  When you are a quilter it's just like eating a bag of lay potato chips.  You just cant stop at one....... :)

Ok as pitiful as it may be here is my picture for this week of what I've got done.  I think there are ten half square triangle sewn so only 190 more to go.................... LOL~~  I do have 50 more cut out and ready to go under the needle. 

One thing I love about Bonnies quilt so far is that she makes what use to intimidate me as far as patterns to try less so with her easy to follow directions.  If your reading this Bonnie I think you ROCK!  I so hope to one day meet you and sew in a class with you as my teacher.
Well since tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I have to work I think this Santa needs to call it a night.

Monday, December 16, 2013

No Mystery Quilt update this week

My update is that I so far for step 3 is printing out the directions  :(  Just been very busy this weekend.  I am hoping that once I get the binding on this last Christmas quilt I can at least get my parts cut out and sew a few of the half square triangle and make a few pin wheels at least before the next clue comes out this Friday.

I am so enjoying this mystery quilt and even though I'm a lil behind I am still enjoying the process.  I am not looking forward to this ending.  I hope once I get this one done to start on a special project for Christmas gifts next year YES I gonna start early :0 and then pick out another one of Bonnies quilts to give a go.

I also am joining a local quilt club and looking forward to what all we will be doing.

Welp that is my update!!!

I will update you on my progress later this week.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Quilt of Christmas Past

My sissy posted a quilt I had made her twenty some years ago.  I'd forgotten about it.  Thank you sissy for taking such good care of it and for posting it this morning.  I can't remember where I'd got the pattern to give credit where credit is due. But I do remember how fun it was to create.  

Up until recently I'd forgotten about how much I love to quilt.  The above quilt was probably one of the last I'd made till recently.  Oh I've still been crafty but quilting got set aside.  Life got busy and had to find easyier quicker creative outlets.  But I am getting my quilting mojo back and getting braver about trying new technigues.  I'm not into perfection I'm into the creative process of it   I do it for fun.  And still keep up with my other crafts I enjoy in between.  Like Scrapbooking and smash booking   I sure wish my days were longer so I could do more of what I love most.  

What do I live most you ask?  First spending time with my family and being at home, photography, Scrapbooking, sewing, quilting, and riding my bike.  Can't wait to get back on it in the spring. 

Below is a couple of smashbook pages I put together the other night in my holiday smashbook. These are the first two pages. Smashed about getting our holiday smashbooks.  Thank you sissy for giving me mine.  I love it

Today will be a quilty day in ttimeland

Happy crafting

Monday, December 9, 2013

Step 2

I've made a ill progress over the weekend i first finished up step one.  Then I got all my pieces cut for part 2 of Bonnie hunters mystery quilt.  I am loving what all I've been learning so far by participating in Bonnie's mystery quilt.  The way she breaks it all down and give easy to follow steps. I am able to try new quilty techniques I've never tried before.

Here is a picture if step 1 finished

Another step one

Can't wait to see how these tie in. 

Got all my parts cut for step 2

Included in this cut was a lil boo boo and from what I've read in the Celtic fb group I'm not the only one this has ever happen to.

I did manage to get twelve blocks done.  Unsew and resew count 3.... Not to bad for a newbie at this type if block.  

With this mystery quilt I've also started cutting up my scraps to save and use as leaders Enders and so far with this quilt I have made 12 six inch nine patch squares.  This has been fun and it has amazed me at how fast these come together in between sewing the mystery quilt.  Not sure yet what I will make with them. 
If you'd like to read some other the other quilters blogs that are doing this mystery quilt as well then hope on over to Bonnie's blog HERE
Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

LIL' Sewer Girl

Friday as soon as I got off work I went to pick up my lil mini me, aka princess, aka Alexandria my sweet granddaughter.  I also had bought her a lil sewing machine so she and I could spend the evening "sewing." 

On the way to my house I told her I have a surprise for her and she wanted to know right off what it was.  I thought I'd have her guess what it was and I told her it was pink and white and had something that goes up and down on it.   She said, "Oh I know mamaw its a sewler machine."  She is five by the way and has been working on a quilt that she been sewing together by hand.  I couldn't believe that lil stinker guessed it right off.  But she is smart like that!  She then asked me why didn't I save it till Christmas.  LOL!  I explained I wanted to have some sewing time with her this weekend and we can say it was a early Christmas present.... it was to me watching her excitement and just being with her. 

We dropped of something to Aunt Teresa at work and she went in and told her all about her "sewler machine." 
After supper we dug in and got busy.  Her working on her quilt and me finishing up step one of Bonnie Hunters mystery quilt.

So she went though 2 spoils of thread and sewed up until 10:00 almost non stop.  The thing about this machine that is a pain is threading it.  Wow how do they expect a child to do that is beyond me.  But then my machine does have a built in threader.  LOL

Saturday the first thing she wanted to do when she woke up was work on her "sewler."  But we got ready and I took her to quilt club with me where she show and tell about her sewler machine and her quilt.
I did get step one finished and have started cutting out part 2
time to quilt see ya later~


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Gettin there

I had a great day in ttimeland yesterday.  After I paid bills I got busy.  I got all the parts cut out for the 186 blocks using the tri recs rulers. 

When I was finished I had a lil party that included a hot cup of ttime-bucks.  My version of a Starbucks.  Good but could never compare.  Oh yes I'm very addicted to Starbucks.  I think almost as much as I am to Scrapbooking and quilting.  Ok back on track with more about my party.  Here was my fabric confetti that decorated the cutting table. Lol 

After I cleaned up from my lil party I found out that some quilters will put these in a jar to see how much confetti they create in one quilt.  I'll have to try that.  Might be fun and will make my hubby happy that I cleaned them up.  ;)

Once the party was over I got back to the business of sewing.  On a Facebook group of lady's I am in and very thankful for the support and encouragement and the things they are teaching me in there I found a post where they use a light grey thread to piece scrappy quilts with. They said that you don't see the stitches.  So I got me some and loaded up three bobbins the get me going.  Something else these wonderful ladies taught me was about "Best Press".  Love it love it love it.  Made a huge difference. And it smells good to boot.  So right now it's my new favorite.  

Ok back to work.  Next I sewed and watched "listened" to Christmas movies on hallmark channel.  I was able to sew on and finger press all the right sides to the triangles bothe the neutrals and the oranges. I couldn't go to bed without at least getting a block or two done so here they are...

Pretty happy with how they have turned out so far.  Thankful to Bonnie Hunter over at quiltville for taking time to have this mystery quilt for us.  I've learned a lot already and this is just the first clue. 

So off to my ttimeland I go to try and get just a few more blocks done before bed. 


Monday, December 2, 2013


Ok I've started my step one of Bonnie Hunters Mystery Quilt.  I am so excited this is stepping out of my comfort zone for me.  I am already learning new things like how to use a tri rec rulers. 

I have not gotten very far yet because of working all weekend during big black Friday sales but I did try to cut out as much as I could during the evening.  I have all of my oranges and neutrals cut and since I am off work today I plan on cutting out the side pieces and start sewing.

I will post again later this evening to update you on my progress

So stay tuned