Me and my sweetie as hippies. PEACE BABY!
Madison as a lil Honey Bee
Alexandria as
Zachery as
(as he said it)
Sara as the upset wife who chopped off his head and put it in a jar.
Tabitha in some of my last years costume. We left her in her boots and added Kevin's ball cap. What a trooper!
Now time for a Halloween flashback...
A few days ago, my sister posted a photo of a plastic mask that was identical to the one we used in dressing up. I can remember how sweaty and icky it would get on the inside of the mask, but we were determined to wear them so we could be princesses for a night. I can remember walking for blocks, begging at all the houses with lights on. Nowadays, the houses where families pass out candy are few and farther apart, and parents haven resorted to driving their kids around. Another thing I remember was my very last year to go trick or treating. I can't remember my age, but it was a sad year for me when I realized that I'd outgrown dressing up and knocking on doors. But, in the past few years, I've gone back to dressing up at least to pass out the candy. You are never too old to do the things in life that make you feel like having fun. You can dress up for a night, and be anyone or anything you want to be. Whether you're a superstar, a cute little bumble bee, fairy, an angry wife who cuts off her husbands head, or even a Hippy named Sapphire.

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