I also call her the quilt ninja. Linda can cut fabric and sew them together faster than anyone I've ever know in my life. While I sewing along on one block Linda cut out and sewed together step one of Bonnie Hunters "Grand Illusion" mystery quilt.
Here is a picture of her "Broken Dishes" 200 of them to be exact. Plus the extra 80 half square triangles.

A month or so ago Donna (another quilt buddy) posted a photo of a scrappy star quilt block that I fell in love with and just had to try. I got it in my head that I wanted this particular block to become the starting block for a "Round Robin" I will be participating in. There was one problem I had no idea how to make it the size I needed it to be. This is where the Master comes in and taught me how to graph and create this desired size I needed. I just can't believe how easy it was to do this and wow does it ever open up some doors for me. I so need to make a trip to the office max and get me a table of large graph paper. Below is a photo of our graph.
Who would have thought it could be that simple and fun even if math can make my head hurt. LOL!
WOW what a mess I can make!!!
And here is the results of that mess... I'm not sure who originally created this block but thank you for the inspiration you gave me. This block combines two of my favorite quilt style one its scrappy and the other its a star. I've got a lot to learn and I'm so very fortunate to have a super awsome ninja master to teach me. Thank you Linda you so rock my friend!
And although I'm no ninja I felt very good with that fact that I not only got my star block done but I also sewed together 280 half square triangles need for step one. I do need to square them up and cut off the lil dog ears. I wish I could stay up and sew the blocks together to create my broken dishes blocks but I have to work tomorrow so I best get to bed.
Oh by the way if your interested in Bonnies mystery quilt go here
Happy Crafting!
karate kid