When I tell people I had bariatric surgery they will say that I took the easy way out. But I'm here to tell you it was not a easy way out.
A little over two years ago my sugar was extremely high I was on a insulin pump, metformin, and two shots a day to try and control my sugar. I ate right most of the time, watching my sugar intake my carb intake. Yet my levels ran high. My old doctor would increase my insilin which would increase my weight which would increase my need for more insilin. I was also on cholesterol meds and high blood pressure. I felt like crude all the time and fought to hide it from others. I decided to try a new doctor and on my second visit after going to though blood work and tests she explained that at the levels my diabetis was I was well on my way to needing dialysis, that I already had neuropathy in my feet. I also had to have
cataracts removed at a early age and had neuropathy in my eyes. So the damage diabetis could cause had begun. I also was diagnose with Fibromyalgia.
My doctor asked me if I'd ever consider having bariatric surgery. That it had been known to either reverse diabetis or at least get it to a more control-able level. I said I had thought about it but didn't know that it could do that. So she got the process rolling and on July 31st 2012 I had surgery. I had to go though a bunch of tests first and even what they called bariatric boot camp. Where I learned the do's and don't that go along with having this surgery. I was very thankful for the support of my family and my coworkers while I was going though all this.
When I had my surgery my husband stayed with me in the hosp till I could go home. They watched my sugar levels closely while I was in the hospital and I was able to go home without any insulin. They did warn me there was a chance I'd have to be on something but we'd see where it went.
I followed everything they taught me and once i was recovered I started exercising and discovered after some of the weight started coming off that I had more energy. After two months I was off all medications completely. I was already starting to feel better. After one year I'd reached what was set for me as a goal for a healthy bmi of 25 and I'd lost a total of 150 pounds. I went to the doctor today and she said since my a1c was still normal that she was going to now take it off my records that I am a diabetic.

My hair is a little longer now. But i look the same. But you know what many don't understand it wasn't about looks for me. It was about feeling better, being healthier so I can spend more time doing the things I love like spending time with my husband, my family and friends and not feel like crap, not able to keep up with them. I can now walk all day at the zoo with my grand-kids and I can ride 30 miles on my bike with my husband. I can work all day and not have to have my husband help me out of my car cause I am hurting too bad to move. I love the life this surgery has given me.
Was it the easy way out HELL NO! I measure my food, I count my calorie intake I make healthy choices, I work out even when I don't want to. I do everything someone on a diet does. The surgery was just another one of those tools that help you reach your goal. Would have loved to not had to have it to get there but without it no matter how hard I'd try it just didn't work.
I'm a little over two years out and I still measure my food, count my calories. I have to cause I never want to go back to where I was before. Some ask me if I miss food, NOPE, I don't feel deprived at all. Id rather be playing on the playground with my grandkids. And if I really want it I take a bite!
I do fight with my body image some, I still see me as the woman on the left in the above pictures. I still look at a booth in a restaurant and wonder if I'm going to fit in it. When someone calls me skinny in certain ways it can feel good but it can also hurt just as bad when someone called me fat cause they are judging me by my size not for who I am. But it also depends on the text of how they say it.
I'm still me, still the person on the left just that now I'm healthy! To me its not about peoples size to me its about how you feel, are you healthy? When I look at someone I look at them the same way I hope they look at me. A person! Not a size! It does make me feel good when someone says you look good, I like to take it as you look healthy and like you feel better. Oh and that my make up and hair look good that day! LOL!
I want to thank this wonderful man who is my biggest supporter. Kevin encourages me and pushes me when I need it. Kevin without you I'm sure I wouldn't have done as well as I have. You help keep me going! I LOVE U BABY! Thank you for this wonderful life you share with me!