I am also developing another new love. Antique Flow Blue China! I friend of ours collects it and after seeing theirs and leaning about the history and how to tell ifs it the real deal it has really sparked my interest. Thanks Bruce for sharing with me your knowledge on this! Your collection is amazing! 
For those of you that are not familiar with Flow Blue China here is a link where you can go read about it. HERE When shopping for Flow Blue you do need to know what to look for and not be fooled by what is known as transferwear. Which is beautiful as well but once someone (like my friend Bruce) teaches you the difference you can tell it almost right away!
We went to a flea market at I got off work Sunday and guess what I found? I didn't get it but I'm thinking really hard about it. It was a beautiful Flow Blue Plate. The perfect start to start collecting them. I did get another beautiful dish for just penny's to put on my table it is a iridescent bowl. I first thought it was a stain but its not, its the iridescent of it. I got this for .50 cents. LOVE IT!
Ive been in serch of some tables for my living room and family room and we came accross one this weekend. I talked them down :) Kevin is a very good teacher. LOL!
This looks great beside our love seat~ Now to find a lap and some prettys to put on it.
Alright time to get back to my quilt. Just need to put the lable on it and it will be finished.
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