Saturday, March 14, 2015


With just beginning to free motion quilt I like to put just some plain fabric in the frame sometimes and go at it.  I like to practice new designs.... well new to me this way before I try it on a "good" quilt.

This is the design I'm working on for a quilt for a customer.  I'm very excited about it.  

Now remember these are just practice ones so your gonna see some goofs.  

I'm also trying my hand at a "One Block Wonder"  so fun how you can take the same piece of fabric and cut it apart and put it back together and it look like a completely different fabric.  LOVE THIS and can't wait to see how it all ends up.  Doing these also changes the way your look at fabric when you are in the fabric stores.  You should see me at work I'm cutting or putting fabric away and its like I look at everyone thinking oh wow that would make a great o.b.w.  LOL

Here is what I have so far..

Well today is my day off and I want to spend it sewing since my sweety is stuck at work.



Sunday, March 1, 2015

19 years ago today

I married my bestest buddy!  I am so thankful that our love has grown into what it is!  Kevin you are my somewhere!  Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for always supporting me no matter what I do!  I love you more everyday!

Its a snow day today which means its a sew day today!  Going to be getting a backing ready for a quilt I am making a customer and a binding on another one.  

This is what I got done yesterday for a co worker of mine.  I hope she likes it!  I love quilting on a frame and using a quilt machine.  My friend is so nice to let me use hers.  I am so addicted.  I did all over stippling.  I think I'm getting it down.  Ready to try and learn another design.  

Happy snow (sew) day to you all!
