Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Back at it!

Our vacation was a good one we didn't go anywhere but we sure enjoyed our time off together.  We spent every minute that we could together and loved it.  Some people I've heard say I things about when they retire or their husbands that they will drive them crazy.  But I don't see that being our case at all.  We love spending time together and doing things together which was exactly what we did during our vacation.  We stayed up late and slept in, went antique shopping and spent time with family and friends.

But now, well now its back to work.   It dawned on us our first day back to work that between my schedule and his schedule that we won't have a evening together for 4 days or a day off together for weeks.  Kevin is off this weekend and I'm off the next when he is working.  But that is just the way it rolls sometimes not just for us but for many couples.

I also got some quilting done done while on vacation.  For one a friend of mine invited me over to her house where I got to learn how to use a quilt frame and a quilt machine and girllllllllllllllll or boyyyyyyyyyy let me tell you this chick is totally in love.  I'm not very good but wow is it fun and rewarding to quilt like that.  I first did a sample piece of fabric just to get the feel of the machine.

I practiced steppling and my signature swirls I do on everything from doodling to scrapbook and now my quilts.

After this practice piece I loaded my round robin from last year for my quilt group in greenville.  I peiced the center and then 5 other ladies added the borders you see.  Each taking it for one month and add on to this.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this yet I may find a wall to display it on for a while.  So here it is my first quilt done on a quilt machine.

I was so excited how it turned out.  A few boo boo's here and there but over very pleased.  I learned the hard way after having to rip a section out to remember always and I DO MEAN ALWAYS put the presser foot DOWN before you sew.

I've also now quilted my Christmas Quilt and I will show you that next It turned out pretty good for amateur.   My quilt holder is not home tonight or I would have a picture for you to see.  It amazes me how much faster and easier it is to quilt this way.  Like I said earlier.......... this girl is IN LOVE with quilting.

Someone posted this and It has become a great inspiration to me...  I am trying to do better about not being afraid to try new things and to go out and fly and be who I want to be.

Well only a few hours till my sweety pie will be home so I want to work on my mystery quilt before he come home and we can have some snuggle time.

Go create something!

Monday, January 12, 2015

January Vacation 2015

Thursday was the first day of my vacation.  I am so ready for the time off but sure wish it was warmer but just as welcomed.  I so needed this after our busy season at work.  What is even nicer is that my husband, Kevin, is off as well starting on Friday!  We've not had a lot of time off together for past few months so this will be nice and we've not had a vacation off together in well over a year.

What did I do on my first day?  I packed up my car and headed to my friend Linda's house where we along with Cathy spent the day sewing till 300p.m.  We had a great time. 

I got my Jan b.o.m. (block of month) finished for the Winchester quilt group I belong to. I was planning on taking them to group last night but it got canceled due to the bad weather.  I had a hard time picking out what fabics I wanted to use and I was also trying to pick from my stash.  

Day 2 was spent doing a lil Antique shopping at the Centerville Antique mall where I found two Friendly Village Plates to start my collection of them.  I want these to use during the winter months.  This collection may take me a while to get a complete setting but it will be so worth it and I love the hunt.  

While I was shopping Kevin and Bruce looked though records and picked a bunch of fun ones to buy!

Day 4 I spent in my room working on my Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt!  I loved having some time to get to sew on a snowy winter day!  

I got my 100 Broken dishes blocks all finished for step one.  Now moving onto step 2.

Below you can see my leader's and ender's blocks are growing.  Each square I am using in these blocks are 1"finished.  It is going to be a miniature star quilt.

Last night we had some fun with some friends of our that came over to have dinner with us and play wii.  I totally stink at bowling but had a lot of fun.  Also Andy taught me how to make his yummy salsa.  So good!

Well it's a icy-snowy day here and I'm back in my sewing room.  I've started working on step 2.  Going to take a break in a bit and go out with Kevin I want to go to the store and get the fixings for chili.  Then plan on spending some time with him either playing a game or just snuggle on the couch and watch tv.  Even though its not warm enough for us to be out much I'm really enjoying our time off together this week. 

Make something today!

Friday, January 2, 2015

The Last Day of the Year 2014

Last night of the year 2014 was time with my sweet husband.  We usally have family over on new years eve but this year a lot of family members were either sick or working or in my oldest daughters case starting new family traditions and having friends with kids too over to celebrate the new year beginning.  Or is it celebrating the old one ending?  Either way it's time spent with family or friends.  Most of the past years we either scrapbook or play game, eat, share thoughts on the past year or talk about our new years resolutions (more on resolutions in my next blog.)

Since this year we wasn't able to do our norm Kevin and I had a date night and went out to eat at Frickers.  Dinner was nice but what I found that was really nice was the number of family's that where out.  I thought it was great to see people spending the last night of the year together having family time.

Kevin had his fill of boneless chichen wings to which I say ICK!  I had grilled chichen pizza to which I say yummo and Kevin thought so too he ate the rest of it.

Afterwards we went to Kmart.... you know Walmarts cousin as my sister taught my daughter to call it when she was little.

As you can see below Kevin was just too happy to be ornament shopping.  LOL  Poor guy he is such a trooper.

After being mean to Kevin with the shopping we went home and brought the new year in on the couch watching our new favorite show.   I really enjoyed spending the last evening of the year with my sweety missed the rest of my family though.  Hope they all are feeling better.

Have a crafty new year
