Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Gettin Quilty

I'm off work today and the past few weeks have been busy.  So I'm determined to be in my studio today and work on some projects.  The only other things on my to do list is take Kevin's bike up to the bike shop to be fixed and then I get to go to my grandson's school tonight for a grandparents thing.  Excited to get to go!

I just finished my first project of the day and I'm very excited about it.  I so have to make more of these and have a bunch of idea's floating in my head..... oh how i wish for more hours in a day!

Here is my first project.  I recently joined a group on face book it is a quilt swap group.  Where we share our work and swap quilt squares, mug rugs, and a new one for me quilted post cards.  I signed up for a quicky one where I only had to swap with two others.  I'd never made one before and thought ooooo i gota get in on this and give it a try.  To say the least I'm now addicted, I love the quick satifation you get from these and how you can just have fun with them.  You will so see more of these soon.  I am even thinking about making some for a craft show coming up to sale.  But we will see like I said with working full time as many do it really limits my time in my studio.

So I thought I'd share with you all my first post card quilt.  It gave me a chance to practice free motion quilting and I love the raw edges showing.  I also printed the fall picture onto the fabric I've always wanted to try that and again it opened up a lot of possibilities.

Its 10:00 am here and I've got lots more I want to do with my day so I'm off to get busy.  Next up try to learn to sew hexies on a machine not just by hand.  Lets see how that goes.  I also have got two quilts that I need to get bound to enter into our quilt show in a few more weeks.

So ta ta for now!
Happy Crafting!

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